Catalogue and Source Data Models

Pedro Osuna Pedro.Osuna at
Fri Jul 21 01:30:58 PDT 2006

Dear all,

as agreed during the last interop meeting at Victoria,  we should
separate the Data Model definitions of the Catalogue "Container" and the
"Source Catalogue".

Therefore, two documents will come out of the current Catalogue Data
Model working (sub)group:

Catalogue Container Data Model
Source Data Model

(names subject to changes)

I would like to ask for volunteers to join the Catalogue Container Data
Model document effort (as the Source Data Model is already quite
advanced). I would then eventually modify the document under:

so that it refers only to the Source Data Model and not to the Catalogue
container, and create a new one for the Container DM.

I think it should be stressed that we are talking about the _Data Model_
and not about the "way to access the data", as there is a fundamental
difference between both and the latter should be dealt with in the
context of the Data Access Layer group (to whom this mail is copied).

Please send any comments/suggestions you might have. We will have the
chance to discuss them at the next interop meeting in Moscow.


Pedro Osuna Alcalaya

Science Archives System Engineer
Science Archive Team
European Space Astronomy Centre
e-mail: Pedro.Osuna at
Tel + 34 91 8131314
European Space Astronomy Centre
European Space Agency
P.O. Box 50727
E-28080 Villafranca del Castillo

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