VOEvent Workshop, April 13/14 Pasadena

Roy Williams roy at caltech.edu
Wed Mar 2 09:20:48 PST 2005

Dear Data Modellers

This note is to inform you for a Data Modelling activity that is called the VOEvent Working Group of IVOA. Our first meeting will be April 13/14 in Pasadena, and I would be pleased to see representation from the data model group of IVOA. 

Please come and help us define the semantics of an immediate astronomical event.

Thank you
Roy Williams

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Roy Williams 
To: voevent at ivoa.net 
Cc: ivoa at ivoa.net 
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: VOEvent Workshop, April 13/14 Pasadena

You are warmly invited to the:
VOEvent Workshop
sponsored by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance

Weds 13th and Thurs 14th April 2005
please mark your diary

CACR, California Instittute of Technology

Web page:

Please send email to Roy Williams (roy at caltech.edu). 

Mailing list:
Even if you can't come to the workshop, please sign up to the VOEvent mailing list (send the message "subscribe voevent" to majordomo at ivoa.net)

-- Define scope and reach a consensus on the semantic content of a discovery/followup message for an immediate sky event. This will be based on the existing draft at the IVOA Twiki.

-- Consideration of serializing such a message into XML components, with re-use of existing schema where relevant.

-- Language by which clients could subscribe to a VOEvent server, with fine control over which messages are to be received.

-- Database and transport technologies for carrying VOEvent messages.

-- How existing systems could have a VOEvent capability.added with maximal functionality and minimal effort.

-- Finding volunteers to set up prototype systems.

California Institute of Technology
roy at caltech.edu
626 395 3670
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