3D data: particular cases

Igor Chilingarian igor.chilingarian at obs.univ-lyon1.fr
Fri Feb 25 05:26:01 PST 2005


There are two important particular cases of 3D data, produced by two 3D
spectrographs on VLT: VIMOS (multi-slit mode) and GIRAFFE (IFU mode).

These both data types are a kind of hybrid between multi-object spectroscopy
and spatially resolved spectroscopy of individual objects (long-slit for VIMOS
or integral field for GIRAFFE): for many objects there are slits (e.g.  to
extract rotation curve of galaxy) or small IFU (several by several fibers).
This is used for example to obtain internal kinematics (or/and stellar
populations) simultaneously for a couple of galaxies in a distant cluster.

Should the 3D data model, we are speaking about, be able to handle these
cases, or they should be represented as, say, list of individual "short"
long-slit or "small" IFU datasets?

With best regards,

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