a science case for 3D data model

Igor Chilingarian igor.chilingarian at obs.univ-lyon1.fr
Mon Feb 14 13:55:12 PST 2005


On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Philippe Prugniel wrote:

> >We need to understand the science
> >drivers better to analyze this, i.e., what sorts of analysis do we want
> >to target with this capability.
> >
> >
> I think it is the right way to proceed.
> First define science cases and the type of data we want to handle. And try
> to keep as simple as possible.

The science case that we are working on now is the studies of the stellar
population history in the nearby galaxies. Technically it is the extraction of
kinematics and stellar population information from the absorbtion line
spectra. The required things for us are: relative flux calibration (we don't
care of the absolute fluxes, but about the correct "shape" of the spectra),
and precise description of the spectral resolution (line-spread function) and
its variations over spectral and spatial dimensions.

With best regards,

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