[CATALOGUE] Reactivation

Pedro Osuna Pedro.Osuna at sciops.esa.int
Tue Feb 1 09:19:23 PST 2005

Dear all,

the September IVOA meeting at Poona marked the "official" birth of the
Catalogue Data Model subgroup.

A new mail distribution list has been created:

dm-catalog at ivoa.net

to which you can subscribe as usual at:

I have added all the information available for the moment at:


>From now on, all mails related to this Catalogue Data Model issue should
be sent to the aforementioned distribution list.

Please feel free to send any ideas/comments/suggestions on a possible
Catalogue Data Model to the distribution list.


Pedro Osuna Alcalaya

Software Engineer
European Space Astronomy Centre
e-mail: Pedro.Osuna at esa.int
Tel + 34 91 8131314
European Space Astronomy Centre
European Space Agency
P.O. Box 50727
E-28080 Villafranca del Castillo

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