Expressing 2- and 3-D coordinates

Matthew Graham mjg at
Thu Dec 15 13:19:17 PST 2005


Arnold Rots wrote:

>Ed promises us that list will be supported in XPath2, that it will
>become reality by the end of February, that parsers will incorporate
>the support soon after that, and that support is currently available
>through extensions.
>In summary: it can be handled now with a little bit of extra effort
>and in three months it will not be an issue anymore.
>So, we are left with two questions:
>1. Can the VOEvent community live with the extra effort for three
>   months?
That's 3 months for a W3C Candidate Recommendation to become a proper 
Recommendation not 3 months until the vast majority of XML parsers 
support this. The normal time is at least a year between a 
Recommendation and wide availability of implementation compliance so on 
this basis, I think that the VOEvent community cannot live with extra 
effort required until at least 2007.



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