Error column in VOResource->DM-Quantity <=> VOTable-PARAM

Pierre Didelon pdidelon at
Wed May 19 07:09:05 PDT 2004

Martin Hill wrote:

> Let's not reinvent the wheel...
>  > not surprising as VOTable is conceived as a generic container (even if
>  > tailored
>  > for table data), so generic description has corresponding structure in
>  > VOTable,
> Hmmm well, really VOTable is a table container, 
Hmm... Can't resist also ;-)

Yes, AFAIUnderstand VO, it has been conceived as a generic Table structure,
but at the same time as an 'unperfect' Fits improvement (streaming possibilities,
ols days limitations removal, like 8char keyword length... see VOTable
document intro). And because fits does not concern only table, VOTable too.
Both are generic structure/container, but the separation of metadata/data
is clearer in VOTable and this is a major advantage for VO interop IMHO.
> and attempts are being 
> made to retailor it as a generic container.  The former is fine(ish), 
> the latter is going to require a large set of shears, special tooling 
> and a lot of patches... >:->

Waiting the perfect tool and the messiah, or the miracle (Leonard Cohen 1992),
let's play with what exists meanwhile.


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