[QUANTITY] moving on

Alberto Micol Alberto.Micol at eso.org
Thu May 13 09:31:53 PDT 2004

Martin wrote:

>let's put Quantity on hold for the moment and start 
>modelling some real things

Yes please! The ones that would like to not stop working on the Q
should do that in parallel to modelling (prototyping I should say) real things.

Jonathan answered:

>I am eager to hear your
>ideas on the Observation model, which may be the place to focus
>since that will flow down requirements for the smaller objects.

I'm eager to see how ODM and QDM are going to integrate.

Jonathan added:

>However, I'm also working on a response to Alberto's UTYPE
>message for those who like to use VOTABLE and I hope to
>get that out soon.

I still think that UTYPE will not be limited to VOTable application.
We need to be able to distinguish between measurements of the same
thing (e.g. the diameter of a galaxy) which
were taken using different recipes, and are therefore not directly
comparable (see http://www.ivoa.net/forum/dm/0456.htm )
It is the UTYPE that could make the trick to know whether two quantities
are really compatible (same UTYPE), or could even give us the hook to a 
repository of recipes which could be used to make the Mapping
between two quantities (different -but similar- UTYPEs, same UCD).


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