Inheritance of different Q's

David Berry dsb at
Thu May 13 08:58:05 PDT 2004


> > 1) CoreQ: a rule for getting values for a potentially vector-valued
> > Quantity. Aggregates a Frame and a Mapping (or ValuesList). Does *not*
> > inherit from Frame or BasicQ or anything else:
> >
> >   CoreQ {
> >      Frame
> >      Mapping or ValuesList
> >   }
> If a Frame contains axis descriptions, then this won't work. The CoreQ
> is supposed to be just a list of values + metadata (which *don't* include
> a coordinates description).

I think we have a serious disaggrement here about what a Frame is and how
it is used. A CoreQ used to hold flux values needs a Frame since it is the
Frame which says "the values in this quantity are flux values measured in
the XYZ passband, and stored in units of ABC". I think you are confusing
this with the issue of specifying the position of each flux measurement
on the sky - the Frame in a Flux CoreQ does not say anthing about where
on the sky the flux was measured. If you want to associate a position with
each flux measurement, you would probably want to form a CoreQ such as

   CoreQ {
      CompoundFrame {
      ParallelMapping {

or alternatively you could use a StdQ.

I think the rest of your comments cannot really be answered until we have
cleared this issue up.


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