[QUANTITY] moving on

martin hill mchill at dial.pipex.com
Thu May 13 08:50:17 PDT 2004

Quoting Jonathan McDowell <jcm at head.cfa.harvard.edu>:

>  With all respect to Martin, I am not so worried about the bigger question
> of whether Q is the right model to be doing. We should do other models
> too, along the lines Martin suggests, and perhaps they will turn out
> more useful in the end. I don't think we can settle that argument in
> advance.

Sounds like a good plan; let's put Quantity on hold for the moment and start 
modelling some real things.  That should give us the feedback we need to make 
sensible decisions instead of guessing about what might or might not be!

>  As far as the issue of a serialization goes, we must recognize that 
> the serialization is the key thing we need if the rest of the VO is to
> do anything with this model. Yes, there will be alternate serializations
> (pure XML, VOTable etc) but only a small number and we must write them
> down, not just infer them from the model, or we can't interoperate.

Agreed.  Shall we start with XML?

Martin Hill
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