[BOSTON] Data Models at Interop

Jonathan McDowell jcm at head.cfa.harvard.edu
Tue May 11 20:32:04 PDT 2004

Dear Data Modellers,
 If I can distract you from the fun of email writing for a moment...

 I hope that many of you will be joining me in Boston on May 23-28.
There are several kinds of activity I would like to draw your attention to:
 - Plenary sessions in Maxwell Dworking G115, 09:30 Monday and 13:30 Friday.

 - Formal DM WG meetings.

   Tuesday  May 25 13:30  DATA MODELS 1 in Jefferson 356 (3 hours)
   Thursday May 27 13:30  DATA MODELS 2 in Jefferson 356 (3 hours)
   Friday   May 28  8:30  DATA MODELS 3 in Jefferson 356 (2 hours)
  I hereby solicit brief (10 to 20 minute)
  presentations seeking to address specific issues
  related to the OBSERVATION, QUANTITY and MAPPING models and
  on future documents that the WG should produce. There are
  separate WGs for UCDs and VOTable, but I will entertain submissions
  on the use of UTYPE and on generic ways to serialize and use
  DMs in the VO context.
  (I've already asked Anita to do a spiel on her work).

  Tentatively, I suggest that DATA MODELS 1 be devoted to the
  DATA MODELS 3 for wrapup on the documents and for discussion
  on future directions. We can change this around if there
  are travel constraints that conflict with this plan.

 - Informal subgroup meetings. Editors of the various documents will
  meet to iterate in the hopes of making the documents ready to be
  official IVOA reccommendations. If you are not one of the editors
  but would like to become one for a specific document, please contact
  me. Much work (and a desire to compromise) is required.
  We'll have a brief meeting during the 11am break on Monday to
  set up plans for this.

 - Fun. There are tentative plans for a party on the Tuesday evening,
   and as you know there is a banquet on Wednesday. 


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