Alberto Micol Alberto.Micol at eso.org
Mon May 10 10:31:29 PDT 2004

If I get you correctly, Frames holds all the necessary info.
Are you saying that we do NOT need UTYPES at all?


>>> I think we have to really clarify the different roles of UCDs and UTYPEs.
>>> (well, if not everybody, at least *I* do need it).
>And me!
>>> It looks to me that many people even on the DM list think that UCDs
>>> are a DM thing, used to refer to complex concepts.
>>> For me UCDs are solely a controlled dictionary of basic words,
>>> while UTYPEs are a way to map to higher level concepts.
>Within the context of Quantity, I think UCDs should be simple basic words.
>All the extra complication shluld be held within the Frames inside the
>>> For what I just said, and as opposed to my previous email
>>> ( http://www.ivoa.net/forum/dm/0456.htm ),
>>> I just figured out it is probably correct not to mention UTYPEs in the
>>> Q-DM, since Q holds very simple information.
>I see the Frames as holding the complex information, one component of
>which is a simple UCD for each axis in the Frame.

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