[QUANTITY] Data Model for Quantity v0.5

Alberto Micol Alberto.Micol at eso.org
Wed May 5 02:32:22 PDT 2004

Thanks David for the clarifications.

To All,

I might very well be completly wrong, but all the following sentences
(sorry David to quote you here, but this shows quite well the point):

> My suggestion on this is to provide a range of sub-classes of the 
> Frame class

>Having all the extra information within sub-classes of the Frame class,
>allows us to create utility software which will take any two Frames
>and determine if it is possible to transform values from one Frame to the
>other, returning a Mapping to do so if possible.
>We presumably need a "MagnitudeFrame" (another sub-class of Frame)

makes me think that

1) it will take very long to come up with a full set of standard sub-classes
2) only very sophisticated software will be able to understand what is what
3) it would be impossible to describe the columns of a catalog in a 
simple VOTable

That's probably beacuse I yet do not see the word UTYPE mentioned ...

I understand that sophistication allows complete description of the 
thing to be described,
on the other hand semplicity allows fast development, and fosters 
usability by the other
working groups.

Shouldn't we first concentrate on the latter?


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