[CATALOGUE]Starting Data Model Subgroup - terms like 'column'

Martin Hill mchill at dial.pipex.com
Tue Aug 3 01:32:11 PDT 2004

Ed Shaya wrote:

> Here.  The mere mention of columns is, in my opinion, out of place.  The 
> concept of rows and columns should not appear in any component of our 
> data model.  They belong in a relational database data model.  Here I 
> think we are working on a more abstract level in which objects may 
> contain other objects.  This results in  tree-like structures.  We 
> should worry about transformation into a set of interelated relational 
> tables only after the VO data model for this is complete.  I believe 
> that Roy correctly chimed in that  VOTable can  already do this only 
> because Pedro incorrectly brought up the issue of  describing rows and 
> columns.

Being a bit pedantic, but our data models won't necessarily be trees either.  In 
fact our data models are 'relational' - they consist of various bits of 
information in 'lumps' that make sense to us, related to other 'lumps'.  Some of 
these relations will be tree-like, but some won't.  We *could* write down our 
models where the 'lumps' are 'table definitions' and the 'bits of information' 
are 'columns' in those tables.   I believe however we are intending to model 
these lumps as 'objects' and the bits of information as 'properties' of those 
objects, and use UML relational diagrams to write it down.

Using UML to represent our data and its relationships is fine, but we must also 
remember that our data may be stored and processed in non-OO languages, such as 
FORTRAN.  If some find it easy to think in columns and tables, and others in 
terms of objects and properties, we should be able to cope with both.

But we should avoid using particular implemenations of representations; we 
shouldn't try and describe *models* in terms of Java Objects/Interfaces or 
Sybase or VOTables or FORTRAN structs or XML Schemas.  These are specific 
implementations of representations, not suitable for our general models, but we 
may want to use them for 'worked examples' of how our models might be used in 



Martin Hill
+44 7901 55 24 66

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