SIA Evolution Proposal
Alberto Micol
Alberto.Micol at
Fri Apr 16 08:22:04 PDT 2004
>But here we have two
>observations (which are pretty natural units in the astronomical world)
>which just happen to have the same filter setting. I don't see it as
>terribly wasteful to have the filter values specified twice, once within
>each observation chunk
Yes Clive, I was thinking about that too.
Nevertheless, I'm used to live in a word that is a bit less than perfect;
apart from Iraqi or Palestinian or American (depends on your point of
view) considerations,
here I mean that the speed of light is finite, and the bandwidth is what
it is.
Hence, for more than just a couple of observations, I prefer not to
PS: Maybe it's too long that I work with RDBMSes, certainly I am always
too worried
about things that could go wrong or slow. And the fact that I care about
them does not
make my way of developing faster ... catch22 ... help!
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