Call for Scientific Use Cases

Alberto Micol Alberto.Micol at
Tue Oct 21 03:30:44 PDT 2003

  Science Requirements and Use Cases for the Data Model

    Call for Scientific Use Cases

Dear Astronomer / Data Modeler,

In order to prioritise activities in the Data Model WG, we need to 
coherently collect and analyse requirements from the community.

The IVOA Data Model Working Group is hence calling for your help and 
invites you to submit your own list of Use Cases and/or Science 
Requirements. You have time up to the end of November 2003 to send to 
the dm at <mailto:dm at> mailing list any science 
requirements and/or use cases you would like this WG to consider.

After November, a group of us, designated at the last InterOperability? 
meeting in Strasbourg, will analyse them and derive the scientific and 
technical requirements which will drive the scheduling of activities in 
this working group.

By the beginning of 2004, a report of such analysis will be posted here.

We encourage you to send your own case. Basically think of it as an 
answer to the question:

    * What is that a standard description of the data will enable me to
      do easier/better/faster ?

We hope that future astronomical research will benefit of the data model 
standardisation process.



Alberto.Micol at                         Tel: +49 89 32006365
HST Science Archive       ST-ECF              Fax: +49 89 32006480
ESA/RSSD/SN               c/o ESO             Karl Schwarzschild Str.2,                       Garching bei Muenchen,                         D-85748 Germany

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