UCD and DM

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Oct 9 11:39:27 PDT 2003

Brian and Ed,

> > > Our
> > > view is that the UCD are concepts that will inherit (as a class)
> > > from the quantities

In the UCD group we are considering a model based on triples: [Concept,
Property, Value]. Each part of the original tree can now play a role in one
of the triples. For example, in the sentence "My apple weighs 400g", we have
a Concept (apple), and an instance of the Concept (My apple), then the
property (weight), and the value (400g).

(1) Ed's model has some overlap here. For example, the value part (400g) is
an instance of "quantity". The units and data types makes a good fit here.

(2) However, I do not understand what is meant by "VO_Class". Is this the
class of the Concept (Apple), or is it about the property (Weight)?

(3) Both DM and UCD groups are interested in what types of quantities (or
values as we call them) can be used for what types of properties? In other
words, if I say "My apple weighs {0.1, 0.3, -0.4}km/sec", how can a formal
system figure out that this is wrong?


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