
Ed Shaya Edward.J.Shaya.1 at gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Oct 8 15:00:47 PDT 2003

Here is the latest of our Quantity based Data Model.  The diagram is 
from an ezOWL plugin to Protege Ontology Builder.  The basic concept is 
to have a Quantity object that can be the
parent class of any specific data concept (flux, coordinate, spectra, 
etc).  The Quantities can
be functions of other Quantities by using the hasArgument property.  
This multiplies the dimensional space of the Quantity by the dimensions 
of the argument by introducing new axes to the original data cube.  An 
Index is a special
thing that can be used to create a simple argument that just goes from 
0,1, 2, to n.  The
Quantity can be scalar, tuple (several components), or vector (several 
directional components).
Any Quantity can be generated by an Algorithm.
Both table-like Quantities and structure Quantities are held by a 
Quantity Set.  Here, several
Quantities can be listed together.  The arguments of the Quantity Set 
provide common axes for
the member Quantities to align with (creating tables) or not align with 
(creating separate structural
Brian and I are close to having a more full documentation of this to 
carry along to ADASS.
But only Brian is going.

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