[QUANTIT] Use-cases, role in larger scheme

David Berry dsb at ast.man.ac.uk
Mon Nov 17 03:04:15 PST 2003


> just to mention that in Pat's model, Quantity is linked to a ReferenceSystem,
> which certainly solve this.
> Isn'it?
> just one more argument in favor of my favorite Quantity model (pat's one),

I am not familiar with the current state of Pat's model, which I
understand has been the subject of an off-list discussion. Are details of
the ReferenceSystem object available anywhere?

I agree with you that simple is better, so long as we are confident
that the simple model can be expanded later to meet more complex
requirements. Sometimes you need to think very hard even about simple
models to make sure they will not limit what you can do later on.

> My opinion only, don't shoot too fast if you don't agree.
> As I am a limited english spoker,
> small technical responses are easier to handle
> than Sheakspeearean exhaustive ones ;-).

Apologies for previous long messages. I used many words to try to make my
meaning clear. Maybe I did not succeed very well!


Dr David S. Berry    (dsb at ast.man.ac.uk)

STARLINK project		 |	Centre for Astrophysics
(http://www.starlink.ac.uk/)	 |	University of Central Lancashire
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory	 |	PRESTON
DIDCOT				 |	United Kingdom
United Kingdom			 |	PR1 2HE
OX11 0QX

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