RDF notes

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Sun Jun 22 10:08:20 PDT 2003


At the Cambridge IVOA meeting in May, I made a noise about RDF on a 
couple of occasions, and it was suggested that I write down something 
about it.  So here it is.

This is not really a beginners' guide to RDF, because (a) I'm not 
expert enough to claim I should write such a thing, and (b) because 
several such guides already exist, and I point to them below.  My aim 
here is simply to draw attention to RDF in the astronomical context, 
give a _rapid_ introduction to it, and point out why and how it might 
be useful.  I'd be delighted to receive corrections and amplifications 
on what I write here.

Notes are at 

All the best,


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