interop summary

gilles landais gilles.landais at
Mon Oct 24 16:03:54 CEST 2022

Dear IVOA members,

We would like to thank all the speakers and participants of the DCP 
session and of the Data Origin splinter that took place during the IVOA 
interop meeting (19-20th Oct).
During this interop, different topics have been discussed : metadata, 
licenses, identification and citation...

About Data Origin splinter.

We will take into account the ideas and explanations developed in the 
discussions to make a list of relevant metadata.
We also plan to make samples (VOTable, registry schema, ...) in order to 
clarify the use cases and to draw the scope of this exercise.

The discussion continues using the DCP mailing list and in github issues.

Splinter report  :
github repository:
Interop DCP presentations:


Gilles Landais, Gus Muench

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