Data origin in the Virtual Observatory

gilles landais gilles.landais at
Wed Aug 31 18:01:47 CEST 2022

Dear IVOA followers,

In order to improve the traceability and the citation of the resources 
consumed in the VO network, we propose to make more visible the data 
origin in the VO.
We mean by Data Origin the basic provenance like authors, institutes, 
DOI, references, …
all information that allow a better understanding of the data and which 
facilitate  data citation.
The idea consists to list the "origin" metadata expected in the VO 
resources and in the queries results.

I put in place a github repository (see below). To face the origin 
complexity, the document separates basic and advanced metadata.
Your contribution is welcome!

Gilles Landais, Gus, Muench


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