Final Data Curation and Preservation IG programme in Groningen - licences and FAIRness

Francoise Genova francoise.genova at
Sat Oct 5 18:04:57 CEST 2019

Dear DataCP,

I am sorry I will not be able to attend the IVOA meeting in Groningen. I 
would like to suggest a topic to which we have to give thoughts in the 
FAIR context: licences.

There is work on-going to define criteria for FAIRness, and one which is 
being discussed is that a machine-readable licence is attached to data. 
We have been very successful in establishing an operational framework to 
share and interoperate data with the VO, and we tend to rely on the code 
of conduct of scientific research in astronomy, such as the AAS one 
which states:

> Proper acknowledgement of the work of others should always be given, 
> and complete referencing is an essential part ofany astronomical 
> research publication. Authors have an obligation to their colleagues 
> and the scientific community toinclude a set of references that 
> communicates the precedents, sources, and context of the reported 
> work. Deliberateomission of a pertinent author or reference is 
> unacceptable. Data provided by others must be cited appropriately, 
> even if obtained from a public database

Some data providers attach a licence to their data, but in the cases I 
know it is a plain text one.

If the fact that a machine-readable licence is attached to data becomes 
a mandatory criterion for FAIRness, we are at risk, so I suggest that we 
begin to discuss the point in DataCP.

More generally, the RDA WG which is working on the definition of 
criteria for FAIR data (FAIR Data Maturity Model WG) has submitted their 
current list of 53 criteria for community input on whether they should 
be Mandatory, Recommended and Optional. It would be very useful that 
people from the astronomy community fill the form at:

I strongly suggest that those of you who are interested in this critical 
matter join the RDA (if you are not yet a member) and the WG (just Join 
button in the column on the right, you have to be logged in with you RDA 
id and password):

There is lots of information available in the WG page. The 'file 
repository' in the column on the right contains in partiuclar the slides 
presented at the WG meetings, with links to Github discussion paths.

I wish you a fruitful meeting in Groningen


Le 04/10/2019 à 21:39, Andre Schaaff a écrit :
> Dear IVOA members,
> We are happy to present the final programme of the Data Curation and 
> Preservation Interest Group (DCP) session (Friday 11 October, 
> 15h30-17h, Student hotel) at the upcoming  IVOA Interoperability 
> Meeting taking place in Groningen, October 11-13.
> The detailed programme is available on the session page:
> Regards,
> André Schaaff, Tim Jenness, for the DCP Interest Group.
> Information about the DCP Interest Group can be found here:
> Last Paris Interop session slides and minutes are available here:

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