Last Call for DCP contributions during the Paris IVOA

Chenzhou CUI ccz at
Wed Apr 24 03:12:06 CEST 2019

Dear Andre and DCP group,

My colleague, Dr. Yihan Tao, would like to give a talk with the title:

PaperData updates : Integrated VOSpace, Registry and DOI services -- 
Yihan Tao, Changhua Li, Boliang He, Chenzhou Cui

Thank you!

Best Regards,


On 2019/4/24 0:32, Andre Schaaff wrote:
> Dear IVOA members,
> This is the last call for contributions to the Data Curation and 
> Preservation (DCP) Interest Group session at the upcoming  IVOA 
> Interoperability Meeting taking place in Paris, May 12-17.
> Information on the DCP Interest Group can be found here:
> We have a remaining slot for one speaker.
> Let us know if you would like to give a talk or to propose a 
> discussion topic.
> Regards,
> André Schaaff, Tim Jenness, for the DCP Interest Group.
> Paris Interop meeting page:

Chenzhou Cui
National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: +86-10-64872500
Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: +86-10-64888708
20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District | Email: ccz at
Beijing 100101, China             | WWW:

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