RDA Europe: Call for collaboration projects and Early Carreer Support Programme for RDA 8th Plenary, Denver

Francoise Genova francoise.genova at astro.unistra.fr
Thu May 19 08:37:34 CEST 2016

Dear colleagues,

Two Calls currently open by the RDA Europe project:

- Second Call for Collaboration Projects to test or adopt an RDA output 
(15k€). The Call will close on 30 September 2016, 17:00 CET

- Early Carrier Support Programme for the RDA 8th Plenary, Denver 15-17 
September. Successful applicants wwill be invited to display a poster on 
their activities, to participate in the activities of a RDA Group and 
take notes, and to post a blog summarizing the meeting
The Call will close on 5 June 2016

RDA US also has a "Data Fellowship" programme for early career 
colleagues and a Call for Adoption Projects. Check their page at 

These informations are shared on the RDA "global" site. As I said in a 
previous message, it is useful to join the RDA to get full information 
about its activities.



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