Fwd: Registration open for JISC-BL DataCite Workshop - "Research data metrics for impact and citation"

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Wed May 15 14:29:39 PDT 2013

Greetings, all.

The following workshop might be of interest to Data Curation and Preservation people, especially in the light of Christophe's remarks at the interop yesterday, about Thomson-Reuters and their marketing of their Data Citation Index.

Best wishes,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Wilkinson, Caroline" <Caroline.Wilkinson at BL.UK>
> Subject: Registration open for JISC-BL DataCite Workshop - "Research data metrics for impact and citation"
> Date: 2013 May 15 18:03:40 CEST
> Reply-To: "Wilkinson, Caroline" <Caroline.Wilkinson at BL.UK>
> Dear All,
> Registration for the next JISC-British Library DataCite Workshop -
> "Research data metrics for impact and citation" - is now open. The
> workshop will take place on Friday 14th June in the British Library
> Conference Centre. You can register at
> http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/6646623229 
> About the Workshop:
> Developing effective means of measuring the impact of data publication
> is essential if data is to become recognised as a first class research
> output. The field of data metrics is still in its infancy, although both
> established indexing services and 'altmetrics' providers are now
> offering services which measure aspects of data use and impact.
> In this workshop we will look at the role of metrics from the
> perspectives of various stakeholders and consider whether established
> means of evaluating the impact of journal articles can be applied
> equally to datasets and other non-traditional outputs. The role of the
> DOI as a tool for aiding citation and other measures of impact will also
> be considered alongside other metrics.
> Who should attend?
> The workshop will provide an opportunity for those charged with managing
> research data to gain an overview of the current state of the metrics
> landscape, as well as to hear the views of a range of stakeholders on
> how research data should be measured.
> A full programme is available on the registration page. 
> Kind regards,
> Caroline
> Caroline Wilkinson
> Data Management Project Officer
> Science, Technology and Medicine
> The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB 
> Tel: 020 7412 7250
> Email: caroline.wilkinson at bl.uk <mailto:caroline.wilkinson at bl.uk>  
> Web: www.bl.uk/datasets
> Mendeley Group: bit.ly/BLdatacitation
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Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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