Agenda for DC&P session at Interop

Sebastien Derriere sebastien.derriere at
Fri May 18 08:07:53 PDT 2012

On 05/18/2012 02:59 AM, Alberto Accomazzi wrote:
> Ok, let me try to be more specific: is there somebody willing to speculate armed with a
> few slides? I was thinking of Matthew's experience with the Biologists and SIMBAD object
> types and how this may translate to thesaurus use.


   I can compile a few slides on Thesaurus semantics applications :
suggestions for registry (resource creation or search), tagging,
microformats, faceted queries...
   But I'm always happy to hear Matthew talking, this is usually
inspiring !



    (((    Sebastien Derriere     sebastien.derriere at
   (. .)   Observatoire de Strasbourg       Phone +33 (0) 368 852 444
  (( v ))  11, rue de l'universite        Telefax +33 (0) 368 852 417
---m-m--- F-67000 Strasbourg  France

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