Update on DC&P Program at Naples

Alberto Accomazzi aaccomazzi at cfa.harvard.edu
Fri May 13 10:42:00 PDT 2011

Dear All,

I just updated the program to include presentations by Sebastien and 
Jose Enrique.  Please keep in mind that this is still a very rough 
timeline (I eyeballed it based on the little I know about your 


Since I won't be in Naples, I would like to request that all speakers 
touch base with Arnold Rots early in the week so he can fine-tune the 

-- Alberto

Dr. Alberto Accomazzi                  aaccomazzi(at)cfa harvard edu
Program Manager
NASA Astrophysics Data System                        ads.harvard.edu
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics      www.cfa.harvard.edu
60 Garden St, MS 83, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

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