Lifting 1.1 limit in SCS?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Nov 17 10:21:51 CET 2021

Dear DAL WG,

Since I once again ran into an annoyance in connection with SCS's
instistance on VOTable 1.1 (you can't have datalink blocks on SCS
because VOTable 1.1 can't have GROUP-s in RESOURCE-s as required by
Datalink):  at the Ops session of the last interop, it sounded like
nobody seriously expected SCS services any more to honour that
requirement.  I'd certainly advocate such a stance, as I believe
there is no operational reason for it any more (meaning: nothing in
actual use will break if we drop it).

Now, if indeed nobody really expects VOTable 1.1 to come out of SCS
any more: Can't we write an erratum to SCS that just drops this
single thing?  True, we've been labouring with a larger update on
SCS, but that work is tough going for a number of reasons, and,
frankly, I can't see that coming around for another year at the very

So... would anyone speak up against such an erratum, even though it
perhaps stretches a bit the notion of "erratum"?

        -- Markus

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