Ressource to update ?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Sep 18 14:47:31 CEST 2019


On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 12:51:34PM +0200, Jean-Michel GLORIAN wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on CASSIS to better implement the SLAP protocol to identify
> chemical species lines in electromagnetic spectra. I go around the services
> that implement this protocol
> So I asked the registry euro vo with the keyword "slap" and I see that there
> is a resource
> Shortname : SIA
> Publisher: International Virtual Observatory Alliance
> Title: Simple Line Access Protocol
> Contact: dal at
> I think this resource contains various errors that should be corrected, even
> if a new version of the protocol is in progress

You are perfectly right.  I'm not sure if anyone still feels
responsible for that record, so I pulled the record off the RofR
registry, fixed it, and put it into

which is the informal repository for orphaned standards registry
records.  I'll ask the RofR people to update the record on their end.
Thanks for the error report.

But since I'm talking about StandardsRegExt records on the DAL list:

I've just ran

select res_title from rr.resource where res_type like 'vstd:%standard'

on a RegTAP service to see what standards are already there.  From
DAL, I see

* Simple Cone Search
* Simple Image Access Protocol
* Simple Line Access Protocol
* Simple Spectral Access Protocol

So, as far as I can see, we're missing DALI, Datalink, TAP, SimDAL,
VTP, and SODA (ADQL I've just prepared and will send to the RofR;
that's a bit more critical because ADQL-referencing ivoids are
actually out there).

In case you'd like to work on this: See



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