Complete ADQL 2.0 grammar in PEG
Walter Landry
wlandry at
Fri Jan 12 06:49:41 CET 2018
Hi Everyone,
There was interest in the past in a PEG version of the ADQL grammar.
I am attaching a PEG version of ADQL 2.0 and two sets of tests. As
discussed earlier, I had to make a number of modifications to the BNF
to get an equivalent PEG grammar. My tests are extensive but not
comprehensive. So I am somewhat confident, but not completely
confident, that it parses everything according to the standard.
To test it yourself, you can paste adql.peg into box 1 in
and adql_tests_pass.sql into box 2. That will give you immediate
feedback on whether the query parses.
Normally, I would say that if you see any problems, please let me
know. However, my last day at IRSA is today, after which I will be
moving to a position as a Research Software Engineer in quantum field
theory. If you need to contact me, my email address will not change.
I have had a great time going to the IVOA meetings and seeing so many
friendly, familiar faces. I wish you all the best in working out
these standards.
Walter Landry
-------------- next part --------------
/// A PEG grammar suitable for directly putting into PEGjs.
queries = (space* query space* ';')* space*
unqualified_schema_name = identifier
correlation_name = identifier
correlation_specification = ("AS"i space)? space* correlation_name
/// The spec says to have correlation_name as an alternate, but
/// table_name matches everything that correlation name matches,
/// so correlation_name will never match.
qualifier = table_name
/// I have to manually expand the possibilities in
/// column_reference and table name, because a catalog.schema can
/// match against schema.table or table.column, gobbling up the
/// table or column name and making the parse fail.
table_name =
(catalog_name '.' unqualified_schema_name '.' identifier)
/ (unqualified_schema_name '.' identifier)
/ identifier
column_reference =
(catalog_name '.' unqualified_schema_name
'.' identifier '.' identifier)
/ (unqualified_schema_name '.' identifier '.' identifier)
/ (identifier '.' identifier)
/ identifier
catalog_name = identifier
/// This puts term and numeric_value_expression on the left, not
/// right. Otherwise the rule greedily recurses on itself and
/// runs out of stack space. With that reordering, the first term
/// is always the same and the second part becomes optional.
term = factor (space* ('*' / '/') space* term)?
numeric_value_expression =
term (space* ('+' / '-') space* numeric_value_expression)?
string_value_function = string_geometry_function / user_defined_function
string_geometry_function = extract_coordsys
extract_coordsys = 'COORDSYS'i space* '(' space* geometry_value_expression space* ')'
/// Flipped the order here because a value_expression_primary can
/// match a function name that should be matched by
/// string_value_function
character_primary = string_value_function / value_expression_primary
character_factor = character_primary
concatenation_operator = '||'
/// Flip the order of character_factor and
/// character_value_expression to prevent recursion.
character_value_expression = character_factor
(space* concatenation_operator space* character_value_expression)?
string_value_expression = character_value_expression
concatenation_expression = character_factor space* concatenation_operator
space* character_value_expression
/// This expression first checks for a concatenation operator.
/// Otherwise a numeric_value_expression would match the first
/// half of a concatenation, meaning the concatenation operator
/// would cause the parse to fail. We can not put
/// string_value_expression first, because that would partially
/// match arithmetic. For 'a+b', it matches 'a' but not the '+'.
value_expression = concatenation_expression
/ numeric_value_expression / string_value_expression / geometry_value_expression
column_name = identifier
as = value_expression space* ('AS'i space+)? column_name
select_non_as_item = (qualifier '.*') / value_expression
select_item = as / select_non_as_item
select_list = select_item (space* ',' space* select_item)*
columns = '*' / select_list
set_function_type = 'AVG'i / 'MAX'i / 'MIN'i
/ 'SUM'i / 'COUNT'i
set_quantifier = ('DISTINCT'i / 'ALL'i)
/// The '&nonidentifier_character' after set_function_type allows us
/// to fail immediately if we get a set_function that does not have a
/// parenthesis.
general_set_function =
set_function_type &nonidentifier_character
space* '('
(space* set_quantifier)?
space* value_expression space* ')'
= ('COUNT'i space* '(' space* '*' space* ')')
/ general_set_function
when_operand = value_expression
result_expression = value_expression
result = result_expression / 'NULL'i
simple_when_clause = 'WHEN'i
space+ when_operand
space+ 'THEN'i
space+ result
else_clause = 'ELSE'i space+ result
value_expression_primary =
/ column_reference
/ set_function_specification
/ ('(' value_expression ')')
trig_function = (('ACOS'i
/ 'ASIN'i
/ 'ATAN'i
/ 'COS'i
/ 'COT'i
/ 'SIN'i
/ 'TAN'i)
space* '('
space* numeric_value_expression
space* ')'
/ ('ATAN2'i &nonidentifier_character space* '('
space* numeric_value_expression space* ','
space* numeric_value_expression space* ')')
math_function = (('ABS'i
/ 'EXP'i
/ 'FLOOR'i
/ 'LOG10'i
/ 'LOG'i
/ 'SQRT'i)
space* '('
space* numeric_value_expression
space* ')')
/ (('MOD'i / 'POWER'i)
space* '('
space* numeric_value_expression
space* ','
space* numeric_value_expression
space* ')')
/ ('PI'i &nonidentifier_character
space* '(' space* ')')
/ ('RAND'i &nonidentifier_character
space* '(' numeric_value_expression? ')')
/ (('ROUND'i / 'TRUNCATE'i) &nonidentifier_character
space* '('
space* numeric_value_expression
(space* ',' space* signed_integer)?
space* ')')
/// default_function_prefix is a bit useless since it is optional.
default_function_prefix = 'udf_'
user_defined_function_name = default_function_prefix?
user_defined_function_param = value_expression
user_defined_function = user_defined_function_name
space* '('
(space* user_defined_function_param
(space* ',' space* user_defined_function_param)*)?
space* ')'
numeric_value_function = trig_function / math_function
/ user_defined_function / numeric_geometry_function
/// Flipped the order here, because a value_expression can match a
/// function name.
numeric_primary = numeric_value_function / value_expression_primary
factor = sign? numeric_primary
coord_sys = string_value_expression
column_or_number = column_reference / double
coordinates = numeric_value_expression space* ',' space* numeric_value_expression
point = 'POINT'i
space* '('
space* coord_sys
space* ','
space* coordinates
space* ')'
point_or_column = point / column_reference
circle = 'CIRCLE'i
space* '(' space*
space* ','
space* coordinates
space* ','
space* numeric_value_expression
space* ')'
box = 'BOX'i
space* '('
space* coord_sys
space* ','
space* coordinates
space* ','
space* numeric_value_expression
space* ','
space* numeric_value_expression
space* ')'
centroid = 'CENTROID'i space* '(' space* geometry_value_expression space* ')'
region = 'REGION'i space* '(' space* string_value_expression space* ')'
coord_list = coordinates (space* ',' space* coordinates)*
polygon = 'POLYGON'i space*
'(' space* coord_sys
space* ','
space* coord_list
space* ')'
geometry_value_expression = value_expression_primary / geometry_value_function
geometry_value_function = point / circle / box / polygon / centroid / region
area = 'AREA'i space* '(' space* geometry_value_expression space* ')'
coord1 = 'COORD1'i space* '(' space* coord_value space* ')'
coord2 = 'COORD2'i space* '(' space* coord_value space* ')'
distance = 'DISTANCE'i space* '(' space* coord_value space* ',' space* coord_value space* ')'
coord_value = point / column_reference
non_predicate_geometry_function = area / coord1 / coord2 / distance
contains = 'CONTAINS'i
space* '('
space* geometry_value_expression
space* ','
space* geometry_value_expression
space* ')'
intersects = 'INTERSECTS'i
space* '('
space* geometry_value_expression
space* ','
space* geometry_value_expression space* ')'
predicate_geometry_function = contains / intersects
numeric_geometry_function = predicate_geometry_function / non_predicate_geometry_function
keyword = (ADQL_reserved_word / SQL_reserved_word) &(!identifier_character)
simple_Latin_letter = [a-zA-Z]
identifier_character = digit / simple_Latin_letter / '_'
/// nonidentifier_character is to signal that, for example, in an
/// AND, clause, AND is followed by something that is not an
/// identifier (e.g. a space or parentheses).
nonidentifier_character = &(!identifier_character) char
all_identifiers = simple_Latin_letter identifier_character*
regular_identifier = &(!keyword) all_identifiers
nondoublequote_character = &(!'"') char
delimited_identifier_part = nondoublequote_character / '""'
delimited_identifier_body = delimited_identifier_part+
delimited_identifier = '"' delimited_identifier_body '"'
identifier = regular_identifier / delimited_identifier
join_specification = join_condition / named_columns_join
join_condition = 'ON'i space+ search_condition
named_columns_join = 'USING'i space+ '('
space* join_column_list space* ')'
join_column_list = column_name_list
column_name_list = column_name (space* ',' space* column_name)*
table_correlation = table_name (space* correlation_specification)?
/// Joins are a bit circuitous because of the possibility of
/// parentheses, but I think this is the same as the BNF
outer_join = ('LEFT'i / 'RIGHT'i / 'FULL'i) &space
(space* 'OUTER'i &space)?
join_type = 'INNER'i / outer_join
join_suffix =
('NATURAL'i space+)?
(join_type space+)?
'JOIN'i space+
table_reference (space* join_specification)?
qualified_join = (('(' space* joined_table space* ')')
/ table_correlation)
(space* join_suffix)+
joined_table = qualified_join / ('(' space* joined_table space* ')')
digit = [0-9]
unsigned_integer = digit+
exact_numeric_literal = (unsigned_integer ('.' unsigned_integer)?)
/ ('.' unsigned_integer)
sign = '+' / '-'
signed_integer = sign? unsigned_integer
mantissa = exact_numeric_literal
exponent = signed_integer
approximate_numeric_literal = mantissa ('E' / 'e') exponent
unsigned_numeric_literal = approximate_numeric_literal / exact_numeric_literal
double = sign? unsigned_numeric_literal
quote = '\''
literal_space = ' '
newline = '\n'
tab = '\t'
minus_sign = '-'
char = .
nonquote_character = &(!quote) char
character_representation = nonquote_character / '\'\''
comment_introducer = minus_sign minus_sign+
comment_character = &(!newline) char
comment = comment_introducer comment_character* newline
separator = comment / literal_space / newline
space = separator
/// String literals are implicitly concatenated when placed next to each other
character_string_literal= quote character_representation* quote
(separator+ quote character_representation* quote)*
general_literal = character_string_literal
unsigned_literal = unsigned_numeric_literal / general_literal
unsigned_value_specification = unsigned_literal
derived_correlation = subquery space* correlation_specification
table_reference = joined_table / table_correlation / derived_correlation
from_clause = 'FROM'i space+
table_reference (space* ',' space* table_reference)*
comparison_predicate = value_expression
space* ('=' / '!=' / '<>' / '<=' / '>=' / '<' / '>')
space* value_expression
between_predicate = value_expression &space
(space* 'NOT'i &space)?
space* 'BETWEEN'i &space
space* value_expression &space
space* 'AND'i &space
space* value_expression
in_predicate = value_expression &space
(space* 'NOT'i &space)?
space* 'IN'i &space
space* (subquery
/ ('(' space* (value_expression (space* ',' space* value_expression)*)
space* ')'))
null_predicate = value_expression
space* ('IS'i &space)
(space* 'NOT'i &space)?
space* 'NULL'i
match_value = character_value_expression
pattern = character_value_expression
like_predicate = match_value
(space* 'NOT'i &space)?
space* 'LIKE'i space+ pattern
exists_predicate= 'EXISTS'i space+ subquery
predicate = comparison_predicate / between_predicate / in_predicate
/ null_predicate / like_predicate / exists_predicate
where = 'WHERE'i space+ search_condition
grouping_column_reference = column_reference
grouping_column_reference_list = grouping_column_reference
(space* ',' space* column_reference)*
group_by_clause = 'GROUP'i &space
space* 'BY'i &space
space* grouping_column_reference_list
having_clause = 'HAVING'i &space
space* search_condition
sort_key = column_name / unsigned_integer
ordering_specification = 'ASC'i / 'DESC'i
/// I have the vague feeling that there are cases where there are
/// no spaces between the sort_key and ordering_specification, but
/// I can not think of any.
sort_specification = sort_key (space+ ordering_specification)?
sort_specification_list = sort_specification
(space* ',' space* sort_specification)*
order_by_clause = 'ORDER'i &space
space* 'BY'i &space
space* sort_specification_list
query = 'SELECT'i
(space+ set_quantifier)?
(space+ 'TOP'i space+ unsigned_integer)?
space+ columns
space+ from_clause
(space+ where)?
(space+ group_by_clause)?
(space+ having_clause)?
(space+ order_by_clause)?
subquery = '(' space* (query / joined_table) space* ')'
/// Reverse sort to avoid early matches.
ADQL_reserved_word = 'TRUNCATE'i / 'TOP'i
/ 'SQRT'i / 'SIN'i
/ 'ROUND'i / 'REGION'i
/ 'RAND'i / 'RADIANS'i
/ 'POINT'i / 'PI'i
/ 'MOD'i / 'LOG10'i
/ 'FLOOR'i / 'EXP'i
/ 'DEGREES'i / 'COS'i
/ 'CEILING'i / 'BOX'i
/ 'ATAN2'i / 'ATAN'i
/ 'ASIN'i / 'AREA'i
/ 'ACOS'i / 'ABS'i
/// Split up SQL_reserved_word to help memory usage and compile times.
SQL_reserved_word_00 = 'ZONE'i / 'YEAR'i
/ 'WRITE'i / 'WORK'i
/ 'WITH'i / 'WHERE'i
/ 'VIEW'i / 'VARYING'i
/ 'VALUES'i / 'VALUE'i
/ 'USING'i / 'USER'i
/ 'USAGE'i
= 'UPPER'i / 'UPDATE'i
/ 'UNION'i / 'TRUE'i
/ 'TRAILING'i / 'TO'i
= 'TIME'i / 'THEN'i
/ 'SQL'i / 'SPACE'i
/ 'SIZE'i / 'SET'i
/ 'SCHEMA'i / 'ROWS'i
/ 'REAL'i / 'READ'i
/ 'PAD'i / 'OVERLAPS'i
/ 'OUTPUT'i / 'OUTER'i
/ 'ORDER'i / 'OR'i
= 'OPTION'i / 'OPEN'i
/ 'ONLY'i / 'ON'i / 'OF'i
/ 'NULLIF'i / 'NULL'i
/ 'NOT'i / 'NO'i
/ 'NEXT'i / 'NCHAR'i
SQL_reserved_word_12 = 'NAMES'i / 'MONTH'i
/ 'MIN'i / 'MAX'i
/ 'MATCH'i / 'LOWER'i
/ 'LOCAL'i / 'LIKE'i
/ 'LEVEL'i / 'LEFT'i
/ 'LEADING'i / 'LAST'i
/ 'LANGUAGE'i / 'KEY'i
/ 'IS'i / 'INTO'i
/ 'INTEGER'i / 'INT'i
/ 'INPUT'i / 'INNER'i
/ 'IN'i / 'IMMEDIATE'i
SQL_reserved_word_20 = 'IDENTITY'i / 'HOUR'i
/ 'HAVING'i / 'GROUP'i
/ 'GRANT'i / 'GOTO'i
/ 'GO'i / 'GLOBAL'i
/ 'GET'i / 'FULL'i
/ 'FROM'i / 'FOUND'i
/ 'FOREIGN'i / 'FOR'i
/ 'FLOAT'i / 'FIRST'i
= 'FETCH'i / 'FALSE'i
/ 'END-EXEC'i / 'END'i
/ 'ELSE'i / 'DROP'i
/ 'DATE'i / 'CURSOR'i
/ 'CREATE'i / 'COUNT'i
/ 'CLOSE'i / 'CHECK'i
/ 'CATALOG'i / 'CAST'i
/ 'CASCADE'i / 'BY'i
SQL_reserved_word_31 = 'BOTH'i / 'BIT_LENGTH'i
/ 'BIT'i / 'BETWEEN'i
/ 'BEGIN'i / 'AVG'i
/ 'AT'i / 'ASSERTION'i
/ 'ASC'i / 'AS'i
/ 'ARE'i / 'ANY'i
/ 'AND'i / 'ALTER'i
SQL_reserved_word_32 = 'ALL'i / 'ADD'i
SQL_reserved_word_0 = SQL_reserved_word_00 / SQL_reserved_word_01
/ SQL_reserved_word_02 / SQL_reserved_word_03
SQL_reserved_word_1 = SQL_reserved_word_10 / SQL_reserved_word_11
/ SQL_reserved_word_12 / SQL_reserved_word_13
SQL_reserved_word_2 = SQL_reserved_word_20 / SQL_reserved_word_21
/ SQL_reserved_word_22 / SQL_reserved_word_23
SQL_reserved_word_3 = SQL_reserved_word_30 / SQL_reserved_word_31
/ SQL_reserved_word_32
SQL_reserved_word = SQL_reserved_word_0 / SQL_reserved_word_1
/ SQL_reserved_word_2 / SQL_reserved_word_3
boolean_literal = 'True'i / 'False'i
boolean_value_expression = boolean_literal / user_defined_function
boolean_primary = predicate
/ ('(' space* search_condition space* ')')
/ boolean_value_expression
boolean_factor = ('NOT'i &space)? space* boolean_primary
boolean_term = boolean_factor
space+ ('AND'i / 'OR'i)
space+ search_condition
search_condition = boolean_term / boolean_factor
-------------- next part --------------
Select ra1,dec2,flux From mytable Where Contains(Point('j2000',ra,dec),Circle('J2000',+10 , -20,-1))= 1;
Select ra1,dec2,flux From mytable Where 1=Contains(Point('j2000',ra,dec),Circle('J2000',+10 , -20,-1));
Select ra1,dec2,flux From mytable Where 1=Contains(pos,Circle('J2000',+10 , -20,-1));
Select ra1,dec2,flux From mytable Where Intersects(pos,Circle('J2000',+10 , -20,-1))= 1;
Select ra1,dec2,flux From mytable Where 1=INTERSECTs(pos,Circle('J2000',+10 , -20,-1));
Select ra1,dec2,flux From mytable Where Contains(Point('galactic',ra,dec),Circle('galactic',+10 , -20,-1))= 1;
Select ra1,dec2,flux From mytable Where Contains(Point('ICRS',ra,dec),Circle('icrs',+10 , -20,-1))= 1;
SELECT ra1 As rara, dec2, flux FROM mytable WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000 Geocenter',ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000 Geocenter',+10 , -20,-1))= 1;
SELECT ra1 As rara, dec2, flux FROM mytable WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000 Geocenter',ra,dec),BOX('J2000',+10 , -20,1,2))= 1;
SELECT ra1 As rara, dec2, flux FROM mytable WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000 Geocenter',ra,dec),POLYGON('J2000',0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13))= 1;
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',mytable.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) = 1;
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE 1=CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',ra,my_table.dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1));
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE 1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',my_table1.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1));
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE 1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',my_table1.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) And (x<1);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE (x!=3) and 1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',my_table1.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1));
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE x!=3;
SELECT * FROM my_table1;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x>2;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x>2 AND x<4;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE 1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',my_table1.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) And (x<1 And x>2 Or y < 3 Or y >5);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE 1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',my_table1.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) And (x<1 And x>2);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where (x>2 AND x<4) Or (x>6 and x<10);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where (x Between 2 AND 4) Or (x>6 and x<10);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x is null;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x is not null;
SELECT * FROM fp_psc WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',ccc.fp_psc.ra, aaa.ccc.fp_pscdec),CIRCLE('J2000',1,1,0.08))=1 and (ra between 0.95 and 1.05);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x in (select y from my_table2);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x in (10,20,30);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x not in (10,20,30);
SELECT All * FROM my_table1;
SELECT Distinct * FROM my_table1;
SELECT Top 14223 * FROM my_table1;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where 38*(x+1-3)>2/4;
SELECT ra+dec as ra_dec FROM my_table1;
SELECT ra+dec FROM my_table1;
SELECT my_tablel1.* FROM my_table1;
SELECT sin(dec),cos(dec),tan(dec),cot(dec),asin(dec),acos(dec),atan(dec),atan2(ra,dec) FROM my_table1;
SELECT abs(ra),ceiling(ra), degrees(ra),exp(ra),floor(ra),log(ra),log10(ra),radians(ra),sqrt(ra) FROM my_table1;
SELECT mod(ra, dec),power( ra,dec ),pi(),rand(ra),rand(),round(ra,10),round(ra),truncate(ra),truncate(ra,10) FROM my_table1;
SELECT modern() FROM my_table1;
SELECT my_modern_function(ra,dec) FROM my_table1;
SELECT my_modern_function(ra,dec), modern() FROM my_table1;
SELECT my_modern_function(ra,dec) || modern() FROM my_table1;
select 'a b c','a','a ''bv' from b;
select "a b","a "" b" from b;
select 'a' 'b' from b;
select 'a' --This is a useful comment
'b' from b;
select (a), sum(a), max(all a), min(distinct a), count(a), avg ( a ) ,min(a) from a;
select max(all a) from a;
select count ( * ) from a;
select count(*) from a;
select count(a) from a;
select count(all a) from a;
select count(distinct a) from a;
select sum(a) from a;
select sum(all a) from a;
select sum(DISTINCT a) from a;
select sum(DISTINCTa) from a;
select single from a;
select a,b from a group by a;
select a,b from a group by a having x>2;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 order by x;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 order by x asc;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 order by x desc;
select b from a where x<1 order by a;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x like y;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x like y || z;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x not like my_sin(x);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x like my_sin(x) || x;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where exists (select a from b);
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE (mjd>=55550.0 and mjd<=65650.5);
SELECT my_table1.*,'table' from my_table1;
SELECT myschema.mytable.* from myschema.mytable;
SELECT * from mycatalog.myschema.mytable;
SELECT * from myschema.mytable;
SELECT mycatalog.myschema.mytable.* from mycatalog.myschema.mytable;
SELECT * from myschema.mytable as mine;
SELECT * from myschema.mytable mine;
SELECT * from myschema.mytable, yourscheme.yourtable mine;
SELECT * from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
SELECT * from tapmod.mytable;
SELECT TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.b from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
SELECT TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.* from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
SELECT TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.*, fp_psc.* from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable, fp_psc;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE 1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.ra,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) ;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE 1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.ra,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.dec),CIRCLE('J2000',TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.ra,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.dec,-1)) ;
SELECT alligator from a;
SELECT tophat from a;
SELECT max(alligator) from a;
SELECT maximus from a;
SELECT ast from a;
Select fromage from fromming;
Select fromage from fromming ast;
select alligator from table1 join table2;
select alligator from table1 natural join table2;
select alligator from table1 natural left outer join table2;
select alligator from table1 right outer join table2;
select alligator from table1 right join table2;
select alligator from table1 full outer join table2;
select alligator from table1 natural inner join table2;
select alligator from table1 inner join table2;
select alligator from (table1 join table2);
select alligator from table1 join (table2 join (table3 join table4));
select alligator from table1 join table2 on a=b;
select alligator from table1 t1 join table2 t2 on a=b join table3 t3 on c=d join table4 t4 on e=f join table5 t5 on g=h;
select alligator from (table1 t1 join table2 t2 on a=b) join table3 t3 on c=d;
select alligator from table1 join table2 using (a,b, c );
select TOP 14223 caom.observation.*,caom.plane.*,caom.artifact.*,caom.part.*,caom.chunk.* FROM caom.observation join caom.plane on caom.observation.obsid = caom.plane.obsid join caom.artifact on caom.plane.planeid = caom.artifact.planeid join caom.part on caom.artifact.artifactid = caom.part.artifactid join caom.chunk on caom.part.partid = caom.chunk.partid;
select TOP 14223 caom.observation.*,caom.plane.*,caom.artifact.*,caom.part.*,caom.chunk.* FROM (((caom.observation join caom.plane on caom.observation.obsid = caom.plane.obsid) join caom.artifact on caom.plane.planeid = caom.artifact.planeid) join caom.part on caom.artifact.artifactid = caom.part.artifactid) join caom.chunk on caom.part.partid = caom.chunk.partid;
select alligator from (select a from b) as c;
select fp_psc.* from fp_psc, TAP_UPLOAD.mytable where 1=contains(fp_psc.ra_dec, circle('j2000',TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.ra,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.dec,0.001));
select fp_psc.* from fp_psc, TAP_UPLOAD.mytable where 1=contains(fp_psc.ra_dec, circle('j2000',TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.ra,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.dec,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.r));
select fp_psc.* from fp_psc, TAP_UPLOAD.mytable where 1=contains(fp_psc.ra_dec, circle('j2000',10,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.dec,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.r));
select fp_psc.* from fp_psc, TAP_UPLOAD.mytable where 1=contains(fp_psc.ra_dec, circle('j2000',TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.ra,10,TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.r));
select (fp_psc.x * TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.x) as dx from fp_psc, TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
select (TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.x - fp_psc.x) as dx from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable, fp_psc;
select TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.x - TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.y as dx from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable, fp_psc;
select (fp_psc.x - fp_psc.y) + (TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.x - fp_psc.x) as dxy from fp_psc;
select fp_psc.x - TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.x from fp_psc, TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
select TAP_UPLOAD.mytable.x - fp_psc.x from fp_psc, TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
select * from herschel.observations where ST_Covers(poly,ST_Point(10,10))='t' or ST_Distance(poly,ST_Point(10,10)) <= 0.0;
select herschel.observations.*, ST_Distance(ST_Centroid(poly),ST_Point(84.912154,-69.652608)) as dist_to_centroid from herschel.observations where ST_Covers(poly,ST_Point(10,10))='t' or ST_Distance(poly,ST_Point(10,10)) <= 0.0;
select * from a where (1=0) AND (2=1) ORDER BY cntr ASC;
select '{a,b}' from c;
select ARRAYNOT from c;
select * from twomass.full_images where (ST_DWithin(twomass.full_images.poly,ST_Point(1, 1),0*111194.68229846345,'f'));
SELECT schema_name as schemas FROM (select schema_name, min(table_index) as schema_index from TAP_SCHEMA.tables group by schema_name order by schema_index) as temp_schemas group by schemas order by schema_index;
select schema_name from (select schema_name, min(table_index) as schema_index from TAP_SCHEMA.tables group by schema_name order by schema_index) temp_schemas;
SELECT TAP_UPLOAD.pos.cntr as in_row_id FROM wise.wise_allwise_p3am_cdd, TAP_UPLOAD.pos WHERE (ST_Intersects(TAP_UPLOAD.pos.poly,wise.wise_allwise_p3am_cdd.poly)) ORDER BY in_row_id ASC, dist_to_bounds ASC;
select CASEFULL from b;
POINT('foo',10 20);
POINT('foo',1.0, 20);
POINT('foo',10 ,-2.0);
SELECTTOP 100 * FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP100 * FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP 100* FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP hundred * FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP 100 FROM my_table1;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x in(10,20,30);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x not in(10,20,30);
SELECT FROM my_table1 WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',10 , 20),CIRCLE('J2000',10 , 20,1));
SELECT * FROM WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',10 , 20),CIRCLE('J2000',10 , 20,1));
1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',my_table1.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) And x<1 And x>2 Or y < 3 Or y >5SELECT *,ra FROM my_table1;
SELECT my_tablel1.* as ra_dec FROM my_table1;
select sum(a,b) from a;
select sum from a;
select sum( from a;
select abs(a,b) from a;
select sin from a;
select sin() from a;
select sin( from a;
select atan2 from a;
select atan2() from a;
select atan2(a) from a;
select atan2(a,) from a;
select atan2(a,b from a;
select round from a;
select round() from a;
select round(a,) from a;
select round(a,b from a;
select round(a,10 from a;
select count(* from a;
select b from a where x<1 groupby a;
select b from a where x<1 group bya;
select b from a where x<1 orderby a;
select b from a where x<1 order bya;
select b from a where x<1 havinga;
select a asb from a group by a;
Select fromage ast from fromming;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where (x notBetween 2 AND 4);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x notin (10,20,30);
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERECONTAINS(POINT('J2000',mytable.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) = 1;
SELECT * FROM mytable as my WHERECONTAINS(POINT('J2000',mytable.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) = 1;
SELECT * from TAP_UPLOAD.wrong_table;
SELECT TAP_UPLOAD.wrong_table from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
select CASE foo WHENever THEN 'c' END from b;
select alligator from (table1);
-------------- next part --------------
POINT('foo',10 20);
POINT('foo',1.0, 20);
POINT('foo',10 ,-2.0);
SELECTTOP 100 * FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP100 * FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP 100* FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP hundred * FROM my_table1;
SELECT TOP 100 FROM my_table1;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x in(10,20,30);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x not in(10,20,30);
SELECT FROM my_table1 WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',10 , 20),CIRCLE('J2000',10 , 20,1));
SELECT * FROM WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',10 , 20),CIRCLE('J2000',10 , 20,1));
1= CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',my_table1.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) And x<1 And x>2 Or y < 3 Or y >5SELECT *,ra FROM my_table1;
SELECT my_tablel1.* as ra_dec FROM my_table1;
select sum(a,b) from a;
select sum from a;
select sum( from a;
select abs(a,b) from a;
select sin from a;
select sin() from a;
select sin( from a;
select atan2 from a;
select atan2() from a;
select atan2(a) from a;
select atan2(a,) from a;
select atan2(a,b from a;
select round from a;
select round() from a;
select round(a,) from a;
select round(a,b from a;
select round(a,10 from a;
select count(* from a;
select b from a where x<1 groupby a;
select b from a where x<1 group bya;
select b from a where x<1 orderby a;
select b from a where x<1 order bya;
select b from a where x<1 havinga;
select a asb from a group by a;
Select fromage ast from fromming;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where (x notBetween 2 AND 4);
SELECT * FROM my_table1 where x notin (10,20,30);
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERECONTAINS(POINT('J2000',mytable.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) = 1;
SELECT * FROM mytable as my WHERECONTAINS(POINT('J2000',mytable.ra,dec),CIRCLE('J2000',+10 , -20,-1)) = 1;
SELECT * from TAP_UPLOAD.wrong_table;
SELECT TAP_UPLOAD.wrong_table from TAP_UPLOAD.mytable;
select CASE foo WHENever THEN 'c' END from b;
select alligator from (table1);
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