SCS-1.1 - discussion points

Marco Molinaro molinaro at
Thu Jul 20 16:12:11 CEST 2017

Dear all,
I try to summarise here what we have from the previous
2 threads.

I sort-of updated the
page accordingly.

1 - Minor vs. Major revision -
The idea was to start a minor revision to see if we can
solve most DAL landscape inconsistencies without
trying a major release, this is mostly related, I think,
to the actual take up we can have for a minor WRT a
major version.

2 - RESOURCEs(@type) and TABLES -
Most services don't have a type="results" attribute
and value. Adding it would allow multiple RESOURCES
and allow for tables to use Datalink.
Anyway, here the main thing is that 1.03 said
1 Resource with 1 table. That's the main think to change.
As for having multiple tables in the @type=results TABLE,
that was just an idea.

3 - ReST versus query-param base URL -
I think we should put ReST in SCS-1.1, allowing but
deprecating GET params in the base URL.
This would be just for a transition phase, since
changing most services would require time.
Also ReST would solve the POST and VOSI
Nonetheless I think this is the most critical
point, because the mixup in behaviour can
really vary a lot, we should try to constrain
the various possibilities.

4 - "single" INFO in Error -
We still have to decide if we want an erratum to this
for SCS-1.03. The problem will be solved anyway in
1.1 since errors should follow DALI and old-style ones
will be deprecated.

5 - UCD 1.0 or 1+
Unless clients can do some magic understanding both
ID_MAIN and;meta.main (and the same per ra and dec)
we cannot probably change this behaviour in the
minor revision.

All of that said, before end of summer I'll issue a new internal draft.
I suppose I'll circulate it also to apps.
Thanks to those who already contributed to the current one, that I'll
try to change accordingly to discussion (present and future).
But, as I said, this is more likely to happen in the second half of August.

Goal is to have a good basis for a report and discussion in Santiago.
Thank you all for the inputs and discussion, sorry if I didn't reply
to single emails.

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