ADQL grammar validation

Walter Landry wlandry at
Wed Apr 19 17:56:49 CEST 2017

Markus Demleitner <msdemlei at> wrote:
> Also, it seems you're quite far with having ADQL in PEG with:
>> [1]
>>     The grammar is mostly defined in the ADQL_parser directory
> Could you comment on the completeness of your implementation?

It is pretty complete.  I have 200+ tests in

It is a bit wonky because of the restrictions I put on geometry.
Simple JOIN's work, but there is a bug in multiple JOIN's that I am
working on right now.  I am not sure that it handles fully recursive
subqueries inside subqueries.

It would not be crazy to start from it.

> Also, since you're much more familar with the organisation of the
> code, do you think you could extract the grammar from the C++ source
> files into a single text file?

I tried this below with the identifier code using the syntax from

'char' is any character.  These rules are pretty simple because they
do not implictly skip spaces.  About half of my rules implicitly skip
spaces, so they would require a little more care.

Should I continue?  Is this a good syntax?

Walter Landry

  keyword = (SQL_reserved_word / ADQL_reserved_word) &!identifier_character

  simple_Latin_letter = [a-zA-Z]
  identifier_character = digit / simple_Latin_letter / '_'
  /// nonidentifier_character is to signal that, for example, in an
  /// AND, clause, AND is followed by something that is not an
  /// identifier (e.g. a space or parentheses).
  nonidentifier_character = char - identifier_character
  all_identifiers = simple_Latin_letter identifier_character*
  regular_identifier = all_identifiers - keyword

  nondoublequote_character = char - '"'
  delimited_identifier_part = nondoublequote_character / '""'
  delimited_identifier_body = delimited_identifier_part+
  delimited_identifier = '"' delimited_identifier_body '"'

  identifier = regular_identifier / delimited_identifier

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