Updates to SCS?

Walter Landry wlandry at caltech.edu
Sat Apr 15 01:58:49 CEST 2017

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone is working on updates to Simple Cone Search?
There are three things which are causing problems for me:

1) The UCD's that are required by the spec are rather outdated.
2) VOTable is required to be 1.0 or 1.1, which is far behind the
   current 1.3.
3) It requires a column with ucd="ID_MAIN".  In UCD1+, this would be
   meta.id.  We do not always have a column with that ucd, but we do
   have one with ucd=meta.record.  So I would propose that the table
   must have one of meta.id or meta.record.

Walter Landry

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