SODA, section 4.3

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Wed Nov 9 16:58:47 CET 2016

Dear all,

One single point for today.

Le 08/11/2016 à 15:50, Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> Dear Colleagues,
> I'm sorry to open up this painful chapter again, but while doing a
> review of the SODA PR with a view to implement it, I was dismayed by
> several aspects of section 4.3 (which is SODA in Datalink and
> therefore what I really care about).
> (1) I don't think the discussion of the various ways a DAL
> response might convey datalink URLs helps the discussion of SODA.  On
> the contrary, I'd say it is confusing and should be removed; this is all
> of 4.3 up to "normally use a single or small number of ID(s) per
> invocation."
> Instead, by way of introduction, I think
>    The alternative scenario has the discovery service return Datalink
>    documents (see \citep{std:Datalink} for ways to do that).  These
>    Datalink documents can then contain one or more SODA descriptor(s),
>    most typically one per dataset described.  To allow SODA clients
>    the inference of parameter ranges and the presentation of useful
>    user interfaces, data providers SHOULD communicate the admissable
>    ranges of the parameters in question using the VOTable
>    \xmlel{VALUES} element.
> (2) This should be followed by a halfway formal definition of how
> this should be done.  Just giving an example is not good enough and
> will lead to endless interoperability problems.  Even worse, the
> example for BAND is against the expectation a normal VOTable user
> will have; it's suggesting <MAX value="300.0e-9 800.0e-9"/> where, I
> claim, most everyone would expect
>    <MIN value="300.0e-9"/>
>    <MAX value="800.0e-9"/>
> It's bad enough that we have the ugly hacks for CIRCLE and POLYGON,
> let's not uglify VOTable where we don't absolutely need to.  Also, in
> the example DESCRIPTIONs are missing -- these are important, in
> particular further down the road when people have custom parameters.
> So, I'd suggest to take out the rest of 4.3, too, and to then continue:
>    For float-valued intervals (e.g., the standard BAND and TIME
>    parameters), \xmlel{VALUES/MIN} and \xmlel{VALUES/MAX} are used to
>    communicate the range of values for which clients can expect to
>    receive data.  Example:
>    \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML]
>      <PARAM name="BAND" unit="m" ucd="em.wl"
>        datatype="double" arraysize="2"
>        xtype="interval" value="">
>        <DESCRIPTION>The wavelength intervals to be extracted</DESCRIPTION>
>        <VALUES>
>          <MIN value="3e-7"/>
>          <MAX value="8e-7"/>
>        </VALUE>
>      </PARAM>
>    \end{lstlisting}
>    Enumerated values, both for integeral and textual types, use
>    \xmlel{VALUES/OPTION} elements unless there are too many possible
>    values.  Again, only values for which nonempty responses can be
>    expected for the described dataset should be listed.  Example:
>    \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML]
>      <PARAM name="POL" ucd="meta.code;phys.polarization"
>        datatype="char" arraysize="*" value="">
>        <DESCRIPTION>Polarization states to be extracted.</DESCRIPTION>
>        <VALUES>
>          <OPTION>I</OPTION>
>          <OPTION>V</OPTION>
>        </VALUE>
>      </PARAM>
>    \end{lstlisting}
>    In case the option enumeration becomes too large, the descirption
>    of the parameter should carefully describe what values are
>    admissable, e.g., by providing a link to an enumeration in the
>    \xmlel{DESCRIPTION}.
>    Intervals of integers are described analogous to float-valued
>    intervals, i.e., using \xmlel{MIN} and \xmlel{MAX} elements.
>    Standard VOTable semantics are insufficient for the metadata of
>    the SODA POLYGON and CIRCLE parameters.  We therefore define
>    special cases.
>    For CIRCLE, only a \xmlel{MAX} is given. It contains three
>    floating point values, separated by whitespace.  These correspond
>    to the RA and Dec of the center of a spherical circle covering the
>    dataset, and a radius of such a covering circle.  Data providers
>    SHOULD make sure they choose the center and radius such that the
>    covering circle is close to the minimal one of the dataset.
>    Example:
>    \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML]
>    <PARAM name="CIRCLE" unit="deg" ucd="phys.angArea;obs"
>      datatype="double" arraysize="3"
>      xtype="circle" value="">
>      <DESCRIPTION>A spherical circle to be contained by the cutout</DESCRIPTION>
>      <VALUES> <MAX value="12.0 34.0 0.5"/> </VALUES>
>      </PARAM>
>    \end{lstlisting}
>    For POLYGON, again only a \xmlel{MAX} is given.  It consists of
>    a sequence of floating-point values, again separated by blanks,
>    describing RA and Dec of the vertices of a spherical polygon
>    covering the dataset.  Data providers are encouraged to choose a
>    minimal polygon.  Example:
>    \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML]
>    <PARAM name="POLYGON"  unit="deg" ucd="phys.angArea;obs"
>            datatype="double" arraysize="*"
>            xtype="polygon"  value="">
>      <DESCRIPTION>A polygon to be contained by the cutout</DESCRIPTION>
>      <VALUES>
>        <MAX value="11.5 33.5 12.5 33.5 12.5 34.5 11.5 34.5"/>
>      </VALUES>
>    </PARAM>
>    \end{lstlisting}
>    Angles in both CIRCLE and POLYGON are in degrees.  As in the input
>    the ICRS reference system is assumed.
>    For POS, useful metadata cannot be given.  Services supporting POS
>    should therefore provide POLYGON as well, and clients wishing to
>    use POS can infer sensible values for that parameter from
>    \xmlel{VALUES} given for POLYGON.
> Sorry for coming in with this now, but the
>    <MAX value="300.0e-9 800.0e-9"/>
> that really shocked me only came in in July, so perhaps it's not my
> fault alone.
Well, this was proposed by Pat at the May interop and was discussed in 
the SODA splinter. I remember you were reluctant but not against. So Pat 
added this in the July version, indeed.

The idea is that the parameter is not a single value but an interval. 
And in VOTable MIN and MAX are intended to give the range of a single 
value PARAM. This is a real trick !!!

  However I see that "Apps" is also complaining about this on the RFC 
page. So ...


> Anyway: content-wise I claim the changes with my proposal are minimal
> (essentially, just use MIN/MAX as intended), but implementors have a
> much clearer guideline as to what to implement against.
> So -- can we just replace 4.3 as suggested?
> Cheers,
>          Markus

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