SODA gripes (1): The Big One

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Thu Jan 14 09:42:41 CET 2016

Dear all,
     Thanks Markus. This is an important discussion
On 12/01/2016 15:25, Markus Demleitner wrote:
> Dear DAL,
> I'll try to reply to several of the contributions of the last week at
> once; think the threads are close enough to merit that, although it
> means that this mail, again, is a bit on the long side;
To answer many of your points I will do an other way. Pick a bit of your 
mail, put a new "Subject" of my own and write a short answer.
>   but having it
> all in one narrative perhaps saves you time, and it's again
> essentially all on: Domain metadata or no domain metadata?
May I rephrase it ?
The question are actually
1) "Domain metadata" now (SODA 1.0) or later (SODA 1.1) strongly related to
2) "How can we provide this domain metadata"

If the answer to question 2 is simple and creates an easy consensus the 
answer to question 1 : is now! If it is not easy (an in my opinion it is 
not) the answer to question 1 should be "later"


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