
Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Oct 22 10:22:51 CEST 2014

Hi all,

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 01:53:27PM -0700, Patrick Dowler wrote:
> #derivation describes a forward link to a product aka "is a
> #derivation from #this" +1
> good. #precursor and #progenitor are ok, but a bit fancy sounding and
> I'm tired of going around thesaurus circle... anyone have a better
> word for this?

I like it.  So, this is a formal proposition to add

#derivation, #progenitor

to the vocabulary, both unrelated to existing terms.  

I take this opportunity to express my sympathy for Francois'
observation in a parallel thread that we may be missing a term *like*
#metadata.  I don't particularly like that particular term itself,
since much of what's in a datalink document (including the document
itself) is metadata in some sense of the word.

So, could we collect stuff that we'd like to point to under a
#metadata semantics to maybe come up with a more precise term?  Me,
I could see:

* Observation log (I have scanned PDFs of ancient books)
* A detailed provenance (in case I cannot or do not want to put it
  into the file itself; this is SciFi for me at this point)

What else?  



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