SIA 2.0 POS parameters

Walter Landry wlandry at
Fri Jun 27 13:24:28 PDT 2014

Hello Everyone,

I have been looking at the draft for SIA 2.0 and I have a few comments
about the POS parameters.

1) POS uses spaces as semantically important elements as in

     POS=Circle 10 10 1

   This makes it annoying to create URL's because you must URL encode
   the spaces as '+'.  Otherwise my web server (Apache) will strip out
   the rest of the parameters.  If we instead used ADQL'ish syntax


   with explicit, visible separators, that is not as prone to being

2) POS has no way to specify the reference frame.  I think that should
   be part of the spec, with the default being ICRS.  Again, straight
   from ADQL


   I know that some galactic people here would really like that, and I
   recall a planetary person asking for it at the last meeting.  It
   would also mean that I can copy and paste coordinates between ADQL
   and SIA.

   This would also make the Range geometry more useful.  There are not
   that many things that align themselves along lat/lon lines in ICRS.
   Though to be honest, I would be happy enough to get rid of Range.
   Polygons and Box (see below) would cover most of the use cases.

3) Why isn't there a Point geometry?  I can specify a circle with
   radius zero, but that is awkward and un-intuitive.

4) There should really be a Box geometry that lets you specify a
   center, width, and height.  Otherwise, clients have to do annoying
   math to get proper boxes near the poles.  For the queries we serve,
   getting images covering a box is a very common operation.

5) Winding should be specified for polygons.  Making the interface too 'smart'
   leads to surprising outcomes.

Walter Landry

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