datatype values in TAP_SCHEMA.columns

Patrick Dowler patrick.dowler at
Wed Jun 4 16:25:43 PDT 2014

On 04/06/14 02:37 AM, Mark Taylor wrote:
 > A related issue is use of non-database type values (e.g. votable:long
 > in the above) in this column.  I think it's not legal (anyone disagree?),
 > but I've had a conversation with Pat about this in the past and I
 > think he has some reason for wanting them in there anyway.

The reason I did this is because I wanted to use array types in the 
tables and map them trivially to votable. This is used for the couple of 
columns in SIAv1 votables that have arraysize="2". It seemed that using 
datatype="adql:DOUBLE" size="2" in the tap schema was more likely to 
confuse clients than using datatype="votable:double"...

That votable-prefixed value comes from VODataService and can be directly 
used in valid VOSI-tables output. Since TAP_SCHEMA and VODataService 
descriptions were designed to be compatible, it seemed like a 
good/acceptable idea to use them.

  guess I have one other alternative: I could use datatype"adql:DOUBLE" 
and size="2" instead of that votable-prefix... would that be 
bad/unexpected for clients? It is valid VOTable but that column can only 
be selected and not used in the where clause (well, is [not] null would 
work) in ADQL.

And now we come full circle to my first response: this comes down to 
using TAP beyond the lowest-common-denominator mode. In this case I have 
non-standard datatypes (arrays) that I can get to work in the system 
with a little bit of flexibility. I think that should be OK and is a 
feature of VO standards that they can be used to go beyond the spec... I 
don't think TAP can say that no one can use arrays, or 
arbitrary-precision values, or URI, or UUID, or COLOUR, or any other 
datatype they might have in the DB and could encode in VOTable (with a 
suitable xtype aka tap schema datatype to warn people it is something 

my 2c,



Patrick Dowler
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
National Research Council Canada
5071 West Saanich Road
Victoria, BC V9E 2E7

250-363-0044 (office) 250-363-0045 (fax)

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