
François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Thu Jul 31 00:42:59 PDT 2014

Hi all,

    A new version of the AccessData Working draft will be provided in a 
couple of weeks.

    I encourage people to (re)start to send comments on the current 
draft (see below) and have in mind we had on this before and during the 
last interop in may.

    What we have for interface is basically sufficient for the first 
priority cutouts and selection requirements from the CSP. It has the 
great advantage to be consistent with the SIA query interface. An update 
of the draft to take into account last evolutions of SIAV2 is needed

     For discussion we have to keep in mind these things
            - Is what we have sufficient for basic AccesSData on sparse 
cubes (HEA event lists and list of computed parameters from 
Simulations). The main point here is "basic".

            - Can we use the SELECT feature to extend to extraction of 
ranges on other parameters such as RadVel/Redshift (observations) or any 
physical parameter (Simulations)

            - more complex transformations than cutouts and selections 
are delayed to version 1.1. This is valid for regular cubes as well as 
any kind of sparse cubes

           - For more sophisticated functionalitiess, eg  dealing with 
atomic parameters inconsistent with SIA , or with ADQL or SQL-like 
queries (which make sense in Sparse cubes, lists) The service descriptor 
approach of custom services allow fast integration of ad hoc web 
services very soon.

Best regards
François Bonnarel

Le 13/03/2014 18:30, Patrick Dowler a écrit :
> I have (finally) created the AccessData page on the DAL wiki and added 
> the uses cases (summary doc from Severin, which also covers SIA) and 
> the initial WD there.
> The WD is a little rougher than I had remembered when I first wrote 
> it, so I added some editor notes (yellow background) with topics that 
> we need to think about asap.
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/AccessData

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