RFC for DALI-1.0

Petr Skoda skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz
Wed Mar 27 04:03:57 PDT 2013

Dear all,

In the DALI document I do not see the relation to current protocols - 
in the introduction it should be mentioned how the DALI parameters are 
used in calling particular protocol - e.g. SSAP or SCS. That is

  in abstract
The goal of this specification is to define the common elements that are 
shared across DAL services 
so is SSAP or Conesearch a DAL service ? It is
so how I will call conesearch with all DALI params...?

how will DALI add to or replace the parameters send in http query 
representing e.g. conesearch  is not clear for me

The RESPONSEFORMAT parameter should not be confused with the FORMAT 
parameter used in many DAL services. The latter is generally used as a 
query parameter to search for data in the specified format; only in the 
case of TAP-1.0 are FORMAT and RESPONSEFORMAT equivalent.

seems to be very confusing as it is not clear what *FORMAT* should be sent 
if requesting votable or ASCII table

I understand this as the FORMAT is telling - search me data available in 
FITS and 
RESPONSEFORMAT is telling - please convert your output to votable or HTML

it is.. RESPONSEFORMAT is the postprocessing option ....
How this will work in practice?

If it is so I would recommend to explain this in more details in 3.2.3

If it is said that something describes the COMMON part I expect there is 
an example showing on particular protocol  what could be sent to the 

And in this context I do not understand the sentence

A service must respond with an error if the REQUEST parameter is missing
together with

A simple query-only DAL service like ConeSearch can be easily described as 
having a single DALI-sync resource where the job is a query and the 
response is the result of the query. 
(in chap 2)

many current services do not insist on REQUEST - in SSAP it is mandatory 
since 1.0 but the example with SCS is IMHO wrong as current conesearch is 
not DALI compatible as it might be called without REQUEST ....

*  Petr Skoda                         Tel   : (323) 649201, l. 361      *
*  Stelarni oddeleni                          (323) 620361              *
*  Astronomicky ustav AVCR, v.v.i     Fax   : (323) 620250              *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz  *
*  Ceska republika                                                      *

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