
Petr Skoda skoda at
Tue Apr 26 18:07:48 PDT 2011

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Norman Gray wrote:

> There is a proposal to systematically create URIs to refer to 
> astronomical objects, backed by the SIMBAD list, though the same 
> mechanism would work with other object lists and catalogues with only 
> minor adaptation.

That is, would act 
> as a unique name for M31, for example, without any issues of encoding, 
> spaces, case, and so on.

I am afraid that the creation uf unique IDs is the problem of someone who 
will decide and assign the name to the object etc .. in fact this is done
in SIMBAD today as well  - but it takes some time (and the PI of the 
project have to ask  simbad editors to include their newly found extremely 
interesting object.

the problem here is in the rate of such a newly discovered objects - I am 
sure that with large surveys there will be massive boom of publications 
about object SATELITE-XXXXX or NEW-SURVEY-YYYYY  (and even some spectra . 
not only photometry will be cited).
BUt if you want to cross-link this article with ivo://spectrumid (as has 
discussed all the time by ADS guys) you have to provide the search with 
TARGETNAME as it is the only information in the article as well.

> If I'm reading this correctly, then it sounds as if the features of 
> systematic uniqueness, and lack of ambiguity, are potentially valuable 
> here.

Sure - the name was devised to denote any object ina unique way and in 
fact it is the primary KEY how the PI identify what they want (and have) 

Petr Skoda

*  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
*  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
*  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
*  Czech Republic                                                       *

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