UCD problem in SSA/SpectrumDM

Petr Skoda skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz
Wed Nov 25 11:59:46 PST 2009

> Hi -
> We already have protocol versioning support in these interfaces,
> and for it to work properly it is important to observe these rules
> as Bob notes below (in addition this represents standard practice
> outside astronomy as well).  So very minor changes or minor document
> clarifications without changing the intent might be a level 3 revision
> (1.04 -> 1.05);

Does to this level 3 belong the addition of some explanatory comments and 
some "best practise" recommendations  ?  And what about adding whole 
example - e.g. of ground base high resolution spectra?
All the mandatory-until-optional paramaters will be unchanged, only more 
informative stuff added?

What do you think ?

addition of new features while remaining backward
> compatible a level 2 (1.0 -> 1.1),

I understand this " if you add new optional parameter in query or if
something more can be  returned if explicitlly requested" - is it backward 
compatible change or not ?
(if asking more the service should ignore it and so behaves as usually).

I am repeating again that for the success of SSA more examples of a really 
runing service is indispensable - all the implementors should be able to 
understand how the service works by looking in the Registry, finding the 
service URL and playing with it. They can compare what is returned and 
lookup in the (hopefully added)  example what does it mean.

And to be honest - the proxy for JHU spectrum is not in registry (Or I 
have overlooked it - then sorry).
In addition I think that the theoretical spectra example should be the 
last appendix (it would be logical after the text put first real SSA data 
response, metadatata response (of the same server) and as an idea the 
theoretical spectra  example

Is the reordering minor change as well ?

BTW - in TSAP appendix are used ucd=VOX:something (e.g. microturbulence) 
-- but it is nowhere in 
the table . And in fact it is almost impossible to find what the VOX means 
in the IVOA documentation - only in some old discussions and ppt 
presentations. But reading only the SSA no-one gets the idea what does it 
mean. What is even worse that the UCD reference [UCD2004] does not state 
it - I would expect it here.

Petr Skoda
*  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
*  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
*  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz  *
*  Czech Republic                                                       *

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