TAP VOSI Information

Tom McGlynn Thomas.A.McGlynn at nasa.gov
Wed Nov 11 06:26:58 PST 2009

It seems like the first step in specifying the real TAP response to a 
VOSI capabilities request is understanding what information needs to be 
there.   Here's a first cut.  I imagine there could be lots of things 
that go in that don't have to do with TAP itself (e.g., copyright). 
I've not said anything about them.  The indentation
may not survive mail, but I hope the intent is clear.


Key        Values   Discussion

Language            The languages supported by the TAP service.
                     ADQL is required and this can be repeated as
                     many times as desired.

            ADQL     Required.
            SQL      Pass through of SQL queries.  Reserved but not

ADQL.Access         Methods through which ADQL can be accessed

            Sync     Required.
            UWS      Required.

PQL.Access          Methods through which PQL can be accessed

ADQL.TableSource    Sources for tables uploaded in ADQL (none required)

PQL.TableSource     Sources for tables uploaded in PQL multicone.

ADQL.Geometries     Supported geometries.
            None     No support for ADQL geometry.
            Limited  Default.  Suggests some support but less than Basic.
                     Service is allowed to accept or reject any geometry
            Basic    Basic Geometry support (No intersects and one or
		    two other functions as mentioned in TAP)
            Full     All atomic geometry objects and functions

ADQL.Region         The level of support for REGION in ADQL queries.
            None     No query with a REGION parameter will be accepted
            Limited  Default value.  Suggests some support but less than
                     Simple.  With this value the service is free to
                     accept or reject any REGION.
            Simple   Regions using accepted coordinate systems and a
                     single CIRCLE, BOX or POLYGON are supported.
            Composite Regions using composites of the three basic regions
                      are accepted (as in latest STC-S note).

PQL.Region          Same as for ADQL.Region.

ADQL.CoordSys       Coordinate systems supported in ADQL
            Taken from STC table    This should be repeated for
                                    each supported coordinate system.

PQL.CoordSys        Coordinate systems supported in PQL

UWS.DefaultExecutionTime       Default execution time the service will
                                allow in UWS access (seconds?)
UWS.MaximumExecutionTime       Maximum allowed execution time
UWS.DefaultDestructionTime     Default time before results deleted.
UWS.MaximumDestructionTime     Max time before results deleted

VOSI.function              VOSI supported capabilities
            availability    Availability is supported.
            tables          Tables is supported
            capabilities    Required. Capabilities is supported.

--- I don't really want version negotiation in V1.0, but if it's there, then

Version            1.0     Required. Version of current interface.

SupportedVersions  1.0     Required
                    Other supported versions.

--- Should we consider the following?  [Different for Sync/UWS?]

RowLimit              The maximum number of rows that will be returned
                       in any single query.
ByteLimit             The maximum number of bytes that may be returned
                       in any single query.

UploadRowLimit        The maximum number of rows that may be uploaded
                       (per table? total?) in a query.
UploadByteLimit       The maximum number of byte that may be uploaded.

---  Do we want to identify agents and servers?

TAPServerType         Identifies the software used in the TAP

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