TAP: Summary

Gerard gerard.lemson at mpe.mpg.de
Wed May 6 01:31:27 PDT 2009

Dear Keith and others
> (2) I'd like to hear Gerard's take on this. 
I commented on the metadata in the wiki
At the end of that page I propose a model that imho describes the *possible*
metadata that may play a role in TAP.
This is not meant as a proposal for what should be added to TAP 1.0, simply
as an analysis/domain/conceptual model containing all the possibly relevant
concepts that have been discussed so far. I have tried putting these
concepts in the proper relation to each other.
I think it may be useful at least to discuss this model, if only to realise
explicitly what we may be leaving out in TAP 1.0 and to try to prevent that
we add features to that version that we may later have to change. 
I will be happy to explain this during the TAP session.



I want to acknowledge input from Francois, Markus, Pat and others.

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