[TAP] case sensitivity of query

Gerard gerard.lemson at mpe.mpg.de
Thu Mar 5 08:34:11 PST 2009

Dear Doug

You made some statements that I have not seen discussed/decided yet:
> The SimDB case cited by Gerard is a different matter.  A data 
> model may specify case insensitive semantics if it wishes to. 
You seem to indicate that at least certain aspects of the following
statement from p10 in TAP 0.4 have
been decided on.

[Arguably, the requirements above come into force because a
service is registered as TAP. This opens the question as to
inheritance of requirements when a service derived from TAP is
registered in a different form. E.g., a service searching a catalogue
image cubes could be defined as a TAP service with a specific
data-model and a different form of registration. In this case it is not
clear that ADQL query would still be mandatory. This point was
discussed briefly at the October 2008 Interop but no conclusion
was reached. -Ed.]

Is that so?

>  UTYPEs for example are case insensitive. 
I must have missed this. Which definition of UTYPE is used here?


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