[TAP] data type for column metadata

Miguel Cerviño mcs at iaa.es
Wed Apr 1 01:42:36 PDT 2009


Maybe I am a bit lost in the discusion but I am a bit afraid  about  
the idea of
STC is needed to be implemented any case.

I try to work with theoretical services where STC metadata have no  
sense at all.
Ok, at this moment I must to include STC metadata in theVOTables, but  
I would
prefer to have protocols where STC metadata is not mandatory.

In this sense, I would prefer what Roy points out:

 > The simple way is NOT to implement astronomical time in TAP!
[even more, not only time but also space ;)]

Otherwhise, lot of theoretical services that would make use of TAP  
(synthesis models, isocornes,
models in general needed to we able to perform real data analysis in  
the VO) will be (again)
outside of the VO-game [except in the Theory interest group that is  
not allowed to produce protocols).



> Again: What would be so bad with having clients request an empty  
> VOTable
> for the columns they are interested in to retrieve STC metadata?
> While I haven't actually implemented it yet (but I'll do that RSN),
> http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/VOTableSTC.html sounds like a
> reasonable representation of STC that people will need to implement
> anyway (since they have to deliver VOTables, and in them getting this
> kind of info as right as possible is IMHO even more important than
> for TAP metadata).
> Cheers,
>          Markus

"Nunca se debe intentar contentar a
quienes nunca se van a dar por contentos"

                        Javier Marias

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