RFC initiated for Simple Cone Search protocol

Thomas Boch boch at newb6.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Mar 28 02:40:35 PDT 2007

Dear Doug, dear DALers,

Here are a few comments about the Simple Cone Search document :

- section 2, part 1 : I find there is an ambiguity about the VERB
parameter. The document states it is an "optional parameter" without
telling if it applies to the client or to the server side. I think it
should be made clear that this parameter is optional in the query, and
that it is not compulsory for compliant services to support it. 

- section 2, part 1 : typo in sentence "If a query includes an optional
parameter ... the service should must ignore that parameter."

- In the References section :
    - [VOTable 1.0] link points towards version 1.1 of the document, not
version 1.0
    - [RM] link is incorrect (final 'l' is missing in the URL)

- Although I perfectly understand the need to be backward-compatible
with existing Cone Search implementations, there are 2 minor points I
would find annoying if I was about to develop a new CS service, and
willing to conform to the standard :
    - the document compels to use the old UCD1, at least for the 3
compulsory fields (unless I repeat these 3 fields with corresponding
UCD1+, which is rather ugly)
    - I feel uneasy about the ambiguity on the location of the ERROR
parameter. If we plan to choose one location over another in a future
document, it will mean changes at the service level anyway. Otherwise,
the document should state explicitely (not only in the editor's
note) that both locations are allowed.

Best regards,


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