Proposed schedule for DAL sessions in Kyoto

Doug Tody dtody at
Wed May 11 16:25:36 PDT 2005

Hi All -

Here is what we have planned currently for the DAL sessions in Kyoto.
Any suggestions for changes or additions are most welcome.  My name is on
still on more of the topics than I would like.

A draft of the V0.9 SSA interface will be circulated shortly.  This is
important not only for SSA, but because it will be used as the basis for
SIA V1.1, and because it serves as a driver for the various data models
needed for generic dataset characterization, identification, etc.  There
are many issues to discuss, plus we need to issues between the protocol
and the data model.

As DAL moves beyond wire protocols to reference implementations we need
to look at how to implement the DAL services, and how to access VO data
from within data analysis environments.  This involves things like ADQL
integration, for a more powerful query capability; computational frameworks,
to be able to build services which generate images, spectra, and so forth;
and the client side of a data access service, to make data available to
client analysis codes.  This is introduced in Session 3.

 	- Doug

IVOA Interoperability Workshop Spring 2005
Kyoto Japan, May 16-20

DAL Goals for Kyoto Interop
 	* Achieve stable SSA V0.9 spec following interop discussions
 	* Draft SSA V1.1 following interop discussions; based on SSA V0.9
 	* Review Data Analysis and VO concept and plans
 	* Roadmap for ADQL integration

Session 1:  ADQL and DAL (Joint with VOQL)
 	* Integration of SIAP, SSAP, SkyNode using "Virtual Columns" (Yuji)
 	* Preliminary thoughts on ADQL integration into DAL (DT)
 	* Road map on future collaborative work
 	* Any Other Business (Future work, etc.)

Session 2:  SSA V0.9 (Joint with DM)
 	* SSA Protocol and Query Interface (DT)
 	* SSA Data Model (Jonathan)
 	* Others - SED/Spectral Model and SSA implementations?

Session 3:  Future Topics
 	* Spectral Line List Interface (Marie-Lise, Pedro, et. al.)
 	    A new DAL interface to access spectral line lists
 	* SIA V1.1 planning
 	    Metadata extension mechanism (Francois)
 	    Scope; first look at revised query interface, based on SSA (DT)
 	* Data Analysis and VO
 	    User's perspective (Richard Hook)
 	    Architecture: DAL service framework, VO-client interface (DT)

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