STIL major release; TOPCAT & STILTS minor releases

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Wed Jan 13 14:34:32 CET 2021

There is a new major release of STIL, the java table I/O library,
with corresponding minor releases of TOPCAT and STILTS:

   STIL   v4.0
   STILTS v3.4
   TOPCAT v4.8

There are several backwardly incompatible changes in the STIL API,
which have been introduced to enable the following new functionality:

   - improved support for multithreaded/parallel processing of table data
   - guessing input file format from filenames
   - user configurability of I/O handlers
   - support for specifying input tables from non-bytestream sources

amongst other things.  If you use the STIL library in your
application code you should take a look at the changes listed in
This STIL version is not yet available in a Maven repository
(a couple of older versions can be found at
but I hope to make that happen in the forseeable future.

The new TOPCAT and STILTS releases make use of some of these features:

   - Some more operations run in parallel (statistics calculation,
     row sorting, STILTS tskymap) - these should be much faster for 
     large datasets on multicore machines.

   - You no longer have to tell TOPCAT/STILTS that (e.g.) a *.csv file
     is in CSV format!

   - I/O formats are configurable when loading/saving, giving more
     control over file format.

   - Some arbitrary sized test tables can be generated (fake source
     catalogues, strange attractors).

Details are in the usual places:

Any comments, questions, problems, please get in touch.
In particular I'm happy to advise on any issues relating to updating
application software to STIL v4.



Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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